Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Let's Talk... New Years

Today I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for Let's Talk.  

I decided this year that I would not set any specific goals, but I do have a list of things to work on and we will see how far I get.

1.  IVF

We will start our 2nd round of IVF next month.  As we learned with our first IVF, every person and every cycle is different.  If this does not end up working, it is ok.  We will start the process and see where God leads us. 

2. Health/Exercise

I am not making any weight loss goals or exercise plans.  I plan to make better decisions with food and adding in a good walk as much as I can.  

3.  Etsy

I am working on opening my Etsy shop.  I hope to have it open by the end of February.  We will have some great home decor items.

4. Organize

I bought this book...

I started reading through it, and I hope to start working to decluttering my house.  We have so many items that we never use that other people could. This definitely needs to happen sooner rather than later.

Well these are the items that I will be working on this year. I will keep you updated on the progress of all of them.

This past weekend we went to my parents house in North Georgia and this happened....

It was so pretty all weekend.  We did lose power for about 24 hours and the roads were a mess.  We did have fun playing in the snow though.  Our dog loved it.

Happy Tuesday to you all!!

1 comment:

  1. ive heard so many great things about that book! ill need to look into it! cant wait to keep up with your blog! its super cute! hope you'll drop by mine as well :)


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